Bilden är en drönarbild över spikön och de centrala delarna av staden. Mitt i bild syns en stor gul luftballong.

Business and jobs

The City of Trollhättan is a major employer that works with both trade and industry development as well as labor market issues. We want you to know it is easy to reach us and to get answers to your questions! Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to establish yourself in Trollhättan? Do you want to grow and become bigger? We can help you with all your questions and concerns.




Drottningtorget 1

Other information

Vi finns i torgbyggnaden på Drottningtorget 1 i centrala Trollhättan.

Kontakta oss på Näringslivsenheten!

Contact center

Opening hours

Weekdays excluding holidays, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83 Trollhättan
Reviewed 2015-12-16 by KATLOO