Immigration and Integration
On the following pages you will find information about where you, as a newly arrived immigrant or refugee, can turn for information and assistance.
At the Integration Unit of the City of Trollhättan integration consultants handle such issues as backlash compensation (glappersättning) and support. They also register people for SFI (Svenska för Invandrare – Swedish for Immigrant) and social studies.
In collaboration with Arbetsförmedlingen (the employment agency) the consultants at the unit offer advice and support.
The child- and youth advisor works to support families in matters relating to childcare, as well as primary- and secondary education. They also support and make contacts with various authorities in regard to school- and child health care.
One of the integration consultants works to support the advent of
different society- and club activities and provide language support in Arabic and Armenian. The consultant is also responsible for contacts with the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket), on matters of state subsidies and registration with the unit. The consultant gives advice and support to newly arrived immigrants, as well to immigrants who have been in the country for a while. They are also in touch with the people in charge of Projekt Flyktingguide (a refugee project).
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