
SFI, Swedish for Immigrants

The goal of SFI – Swedish for Immigrants, is to gain knowledge about the Swedish language, culture and society, in order for newly arrived immigrants and refugees to cope with work, education and everyday life in Sweden.

Contact center

Opening hours

Weekdays excluding holidays, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83 Trollhättan

The purpose of Swedish for Immigrants is to give adults with another native language than Swedish basic knowledge of the Swedish language. The students will learn how to use Swedish as a working second language. SFI in Trollhättan is run by Kunskapsförbundet Väst.

SFI on Kunskapsförbundet Västs Klick on "Translate" on the top of the page, to get the information in English.

Anyone who has a permanent address in Sweden, who is over the age of 16 and lacks basic knowledge of Swedish, has the right to participate in Swedish for Immigrants.

Finnish citizens, who on a permanent basis work in the municipality but live in Finland, close to the Swedish border, and who fulfill the general requirements are also entitled to Swedish for Immigrants. However, persons who possess some knowledge of Danish or Norwegian are not entitled to basic Swedish classes.

Reviewed 2016-02-02 by KATLOO