
What kind of support can one receive?

As a newly arrived immigrant or refugee you may need support to get to know your new place of residence and society at large.

Contact center

Opening hours

Weekdays excluding holidays, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83 Trollhättan


Arbetsförmedlingen (the employment agency) has the primary responsibility for newly arrived persons between the ages of 20 and 64 years of age who can work.

Welcome to Arbetsförmedlingen

Children and Youth

Children and youth who have not turned 20 are offered space in pre- compulsory- or high school.

For school-age children, there is compulsory attendance from the year the child turns seven (i.e. grades one through nine).

On the pages about Education and Child Care Services you may read more about what kind of child care the City of Trollhättan has to offer and how to apply for child care and school.

Education and Child Care Services

More information

Are you new to Sweden and want to find information about Swedish society quickly and easily? - A portal for new arrivals

Reviewed 2016-02-02 by CLASBEN