Illustration, vybild över Trollhättan

How the municipality is run

Trollhättan is run by popularly elected politicians, with the municipal council as the supreme decision-making body.

Contact center

Opening hours

Weekdays excluding holidays, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83 Trollhättan

Trollhättans Stad (the City of Trollhättan) is the organisation that governs and administers municipal activities in Trollhättan. We comprise the municipal council, the municipal executive committee, the municipal administration, committees and municipal companies.  

There are eight administrative bodies, with  more than 5 000 employees in total.

The head of municipal administration is City Manager Ulrika Strandroth Frid

Municipality – City

In Trollhättan we have decided to divide the municipality into two entities. One is the geographical entity, Trollhättan municipality, and the other is the organisation which manages the geographical entity – the City of Trollhättan. In other words, the City of Trollhättan manages the administration and development of the municipality.

The City of Trollhättan has 4 300 employees, including everything from assistant nurses, park caretakers and office employees to chimney sweeps, and we have a total turnover of about SEK three billion annually. Approximately 80 per cent of our funding goes to education and elderly care.

In other words, Trollhättan municipality is the geographical location where people live – regardless of whether their address in the centre or in nearby communities such as Sjuntorp, Upphärad or Åsaka.

Reviewed 2019-10-14 by PERIVA