Johan Bengtsson, tf stadsdirektör Trollhättans stad. Johan Bengtsson, tf stadsdirektör Trollhättans stad.

City Manager

The city manager has the overall responsibility for the entire operational organisation of the City of Trollhättan. All personnel is employed by the municipal executive board and we regard the entire organisation as a coherent whole.

Contact center

Opening hours

Weekdays excluding holidays, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83 Trollhättan

The job includes leading, coordinating and developing our activities, but also working actively on cooperation locally, regionally and internationally. The management group is made up of the administrative directors of the City of Trollhättan. Together they lead the development of our activities.

The city manager works closely with the political decision-making organisation and provide decision guidance to committees and boards.

The City of Trollhättan is the biggest employer in Trollhättan. We deliver many of the services essential to Trollhättan’s residents’ everyday lives, and our activities are very significant for Trollhättan’s long term development. Each employee must know his/her task, work in a well-structured operation and be given opportunities to take responsibilities and develop. Environmental issues are a priority throughout the organisation, and we want to further strengthen Trollhättan’s profile as a leader in this area.

The municipal organisation has the following service concept

Our work is carried out on the basis of the policy objectives for inhabitants and businesses in Trollhättan. “Our mission is to implement the strategic plan in the best and most efficient way. This involves contributing to Trollhättan’s long term development as an attractive municipality for residents, businesses, studies and leisure.”

The City Manager in Trollhattan is Said Niklund.

Reviewed 2021-01-04 by PERIVA