En man talar till journalister och kameror under en presskonferens

Press and information material

Look here for images and press kits as well as contact details for the municipality’s spokespersons.




Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83


0520-49 57 00;

Other information

Kommunikationschef Vivian Komstadius
0733-48 99 69

Contact center

Opening hours

Weekdays excluding holidays, Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Gärdhemsvägen 9 461 83 Trollhättan

The municipality’s approach to contacts with the media is always one of maximum openness. We are happy to help journalists find the best person to speak to here, and we will always do everything we can to facilitate media scrutiny and coverage of the municipality.

If you have questions about rules for using our logo and brand, or about approval for the production of printed matter, please contact our information director (contact details in the box above). 

Reviewed 2016-02-02 by KATLOO