Tourism and tourist attractions
Welcome to Trollhättan - a city surrounded by water. Trollhättan is close to the unique Waterfalls and Sluice area, Vänern, Sweden's largest lake, and the Halle-Hunneberg Ecopark, which all make it a must-visit city.
It has beautiful parks and green areas, and the river Göta runs right through the city. The river basin is a major asset for the city and its inhabitants. The area has rolling hills and there are several paths with fine views along the west bank of the river.
Discover Trollhättan's innovative side and visit the InnovatumScienceCenter and the SaabCarMuseum.
Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB is in charge of the tourist office, attractions, activities and events.
Reviewed 2018-01-25 by CLABEN