Dialogue and feedback
It’s by means of a dialogue with citizens that we can become better, so we want to know what you think. Ask us questions and discuss issues with us.
This section has information about different ways of sharing ideas, opinions and questions about matters to do with the municipality’s activities and development.
You can contact us in several ways. Find the way that suits you best by reading the information here. There is also a FAQ.
Contact us
Email addresses to the City of Trollhättan, the main telephone number, our address and a map for how to find us. And the hours of the reception and exchange. Organisation identity number. Postal address.
Submit your opinions and complaints
Fill out our web from if you want to submit opinions or complaints about operations in support, care and nursing activities, and refugee and immigration activities:
Send us your opinions and complaints via the web form
Of course you can also print out and fill in the form by hand if you prefer:
Printable form for opinions and complaints
Another option is to write your opinions on our Facebook page, where we try to reply to all questions on a continuous basis:
Feedback received
If you are interested in what feedback the City of Trollhättan has received, please contact the webmaster.
Frequently asked questions
Some of the most common questions about the municipality’s activities, and short answers.
What are the most common questions asked at our reception and by telephone?
For quick notifications and complaints about streets, parks, facilities and similar. This includes damage, functional or maintenance deficiencies regarding streets and roads (e g winter road maintenance), street lighting, parks, nature recreation areas, playgrounds, sports facilities, jogging tracks and other facilities that the City of Trollhättan is responsible for.