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Your Career Day 9 october - fully booked

You are invited to to meet potential employers in Trollhättan during Your future Career Day at Innovatum District. Welcome with your registration for this unique opportunity to meet some of the International Tech-companies in Trollhättan.

--- This event is now fully booked, no more registrations is possible ---

On October 9
, the focus will be on electric power and electric vehicles, and therefore, companies with strong expertise in these areas will present themselves to you.
The number of available spots is limited, so registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

There will be a busstransfer to Innovatum District in Trolllhättan in the morning where the Companies are located. You will get breakfast, lunch and the opportunity to meet several companies from Trollhättan. There will also be a possibility to go bu buss back even after lunch. 

The following companies will showcase their operations on October 9.


The students that are invited for this event are studying an engineering program at University West and you will all get at short presentation of the companies and then have a visit at the company. After that we all meet again for lunch and while eating you can take the opportunity to talk to that company you did get most interested in for a diskussion of examination jobs or career possibilitys. After that the bus will take you back to the University.

During the lunch mingel, you will also have the opportunity to meet Innovatum Science Park, Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg and Opportunity Day

We are really looking forward meeting you and we will send you an email regarding pick up place and time later on.

Welcome to join us!


Senast granskad 2024-10-02 av ANNNIL